On Friday January 31, two people were arraigned on methamphetamine charges. 41-year-old Shannon Marie Little and 47-year-old Darrin Lee Wright, both of Cadillac, were arrested on Thursday after a three-week long investigation led authorities to believe the two were operating and maintaining a meth laboratory, according to a news article at Cadillacnews.com.
According to Detective Lt. Dan King, TNT (Traverse Narcotics Team) received a tip from an anonymous source claiming the occupants of the home located at 432 E. Harris St. were cooking meth. On the evening of the arrest, investigators found a meth lab inside the residence.
Both defendants have been charged with manufacturing meth, operating/maintaining a methamphetamine lab, possession of meth, conspiracy to manufacture meth, and maintaining a drug house. Little and Wright have also each been charged with five counts of using a computer to commit a crime.
Little’s sentence could be doubled if convicted due to her status as a repeat offender, as she has convicted previously of marijuana possession. Wright’s sentence may be doubled as well as he has a habitual offender, third notice.
The defendants’ pretrial hearing was scheduled for Tuesday, February 4.
If Little and Wright are convicted of the criminal charges against the, both will likely spend substantial time behind bars particularly considering their criminal status. The maximum penalty for operating/maintaining a meth lab is 20 years. Using a computer to commit a crime also carries a maximum penalty of 20 years in prison. If a plea agreement is not offered and the two go to trial and are convicted, each could potentially spend the rest of their lives in prison given the fact their sentences may be doubled.
It is critical that anyone under investigation for manufacturing meth, marijuana, or any illicit drug contact a skilled Michigan drug crime lawyer right away. Regardless of whether you have been arrested or charged, your attorney will work diligently to secure your freedom and protect you from harsh criminal penalties.