
Articles Posted in Youth Education


When A Little Can Be Intoxication: Drunk Driving Laws for Minors in Michigan

In the state of Michigan, when a minor is caught drinking and driving, the laws evolve into a more severe form of punishment.  In our state, unlike many others, those that decide to drink and drive under the age of 21, can face severe penalties even if they are sober…


How Violence and Crime Have Hurt Michigan Education

School violence and crime are problems in many cities across the U.S., and while it’s believed violence is decreasing, many schools fail to report incidents.  This means the data on school crime is somewhat unreliable, and unfortunately incidents involving violence are often downplayed.  In Michigan, violence and crime in schools…


Investing in Youth Through Education

We all know that children often become what they’re exposed to, whether they live in high-crime areas, are the victims of abuse and neglect, or exposed to a substantial amount of crime/violence through television, video games, etc.  Thankfully, fighting crime through education, school programs, and providing support for troubled kids…

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