
License Suspended Due to Substance Abuse? Michigan Drivers License Reinstatement Lawyers Can Help

Have you had your Michigan driver’s license suspended after being convicted on charges of substance abuse? You may not be aware that it may be possible to have your license reinstated, although it is a rather complicated process. However, an experienced Michigan driver’s license reinstatement attorney can guide you through the process to determine whether you are eligible for an administrative review, and help ensure you meet the requirements.

People are human and mistakes are often made. Without a driver’s license, your life can be severely restricted, making it difficult if not impossible to get to and from work, school, and to meet other obligations. Until you lose your right to drive, you may not realize just how important it is to functioning in your daily life – we often take things we don’t consciously think about for granted.

It is highly advised that you seek the expertise of a reputable lawyer when attempting to have your license restored. There are numerous forms involved in the process, and you must submit a complete substance abuse evaluation to the Michigan Secretary of State’s office. While it may sound simple, even finding an evaluator who is credible and respected by the Driver Assessment and Appeal Division (DAAD) isn’t a simple process.

If your evaluation is not completed properly, it will jeopardize your chances of having your license reinstated. There are numerous criteria that must be met, including a history of treatment you have received or support groups you have attended, any lifestyle changes that have been made since the suspension of your license, information regarding where you currently live and work, and more. It is imperative that at your DAAD hearing your examiner can be convinced that you will not be a risk if given back your rights to get behind the wheel. All documentation must be in order, every “i” dotted and “t” crossed. You only get one opportunity per year to get it right, so it’s recommended you do not take any chances by going it alone.

In a nutshell, having your license reinstated after being convicted on charges of substance abuse is an involved process. While it is not required that you have a Michigan driver’s license reinstatement lawyer to represent you, it is certainly to your advantage. Without skilled legal guidance, you could risk your license.

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