
Lansing Jail Officer Charged with Assault and Battery of Inmate Found Not Guilty

On March 22 of this year, David Gladstone, a 20-year veteran of the Lansing Police Department, was arrested and charged with assaulting a teen inmate at the city’s jail. Gladstone was suspended following the charge, and placed on administrative leave. On Tuesday August 6, a jury found Gladstone not guilty of misdemeanor assault and battery.

The incident involving the teen allegedly occurred on March 8 according to court records, although no details of the assault have been revealed. Gladstone’s trial was rescheduled twice, the first time due to a motion filed by Brett Naumcheff, the defendant’s attorney, who desired additional discovery and to obtain an expert witness.

Gladstone was one of four men named in a 2009 lawsuit involving the alleged assault of a man who was in the vicinity of a fight police were investigating. According to the plaintiff’s attorney in that case, a settlement of $46,500 was made by the city of Lansing. The plaintiff in the case, Michael Gallagher, accused Gladstone of grabbing and jerking his head back following and incident in which police detained Gallagher following a fight in the area. Gallagher was allegedly not involved in the fight, but complained about how the situation was handled by officers; he was then arrested. He also alleged that Gladstone shoved him into an elevator door face-first.

Michigan assault defense lawyers know that while considered a misdemeanor, a conviction for assault and battery can leave an individual facing jail time and fines of up to $500. Perhaps more importantly, accusations such as these can damage the accused individual’s career and reputation.

Any person who has been arrested or charged with assault and battery, aggravated or felonious assault, or any serious or violent crime should take action immediately to protect your legal rights and freedom. Even if you have not yet been arrested, contact a qualified Michigan criminal defense attorney right away. A trusted defense lawyer will begin work immediately, investigating the allegations against you and working to determine the most effective course of legal action.

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