
Kentucky School Principal Charged with Speeding, Operating Under the Influence

On Saturday February 7, 37-year-old Kimberly Harbolt, Principal at Seneca High School in Louisville, was arrested and charged with operating a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol and speeding, according to a news report at Courier-Journal.

A spokesman for Jefferson County Public Schools made a statement regarding the arrest, and what if any discipline Harbolt would face. Ben Jackey said they were aware of the arrest, and that the Principal would be “afforded due process.” Harbolt was arrested at approximately 12:30 a.m., and booked into jail before being released later in the day on her own recognizance.

According to the news article, it was recorded by the arresting officer that Harbolt was driving 11 miles per hour over the speed limit; she also had a blood alcohol level of .08, the legal limit, although she failed a field sobriety test.

Harbolt was promoted to principal in April of last year, after serving in the position of assistant principal at Seneca High School. All reports indicate she had been popular with students and faculty, and had been part of an administrative team that resulted in Seneca High School jumping to the 42nd percentile from the 12th percentile among Kentucky schools.

Although Harbolt’s blood alcohol content was found to be .08 which is the legal limit in most states, she can still be arrested and charged with driving under the influence. Essentially, a person may be charged with OWI if his or her BAC registers .08 or above, so it appears the principal’s blood alcohol level was on a very thin line between legal and illegal. Still, the penalties are harsh even for those charged with drunk driving for a first time if found guilty.

In the state of Michigan, anyone who is convicted of a first-offense DUI will face punishment that includes possible jail time, driver’s license suspension, community service, probation, court costs in addition to fees to have your license reinstated, and more. Because driving under the influence is considered a criminal offense, those found guilty will also have a criminal record.

Drinking and driving is serious business, regardless of where you live in the U.S. If you have been arrested or charged with driving under the influence, waste no time before consulting with a skilled Michigan DUI defense attorney who will work to protect your legal rights and freedom in an effort to reach positive results.

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