
Ishpeming Man Arrested in May Meth Bust Sentenced

In late May, 29-year-old Robert Thurman Fields and his wife, 30-year-old Nickolena Margaret Fields were arrested and taken into custody after police obtained a search warrant and found several components of a meth lab along with a small amount of what they suspected to be methamphetamine. The two suspects were living in a rented apartment in Ishpeming.

Several operations were involved in the search conducted at 129 W. Superior Street, including UPSET (Upper Peninsula Substance Enforcement Team), Ishpeming Police and Michigan State Police. Both suspects were placed in the Marquette County Jail after being taken into custody. Fields was charged with two counts of controlled substance and operating or maintaining laboratory involving meth; his wife was charged with one count on the same offense.

In October Fields pled guilty to delivery and manufacturing of methamphetamine as part of a plea agreement. News reports made no mention of Field’s wife, but did say that he could face a sentence of up to 20 years in prison along with a $25,000 fine.

On November 2, Robert Fields was sentenced to 18 months imprisonment by Marquette County Judge Thomas Solka, and given credit for time served. He has one year remaining on his sentence. The judge in the case did say that in handing out the sentence, the court must consider the reformation of Fields, the needs of the community and deterring other individuals who may be engaging in behavior similar to that of the Fields.

Michigan drug defense lawyers know that the sentence for Mr. Fields could have been much harsher. While it is not mentioned if he is required to pay a fine, spending 18 months in prison versus 20 years is a substantial difference.

Crimes involving the possession, manufacturing or selling of drugs in Michigan are taken very seriously; in fact, these are some of the most heavily punished crimes today. If you have been arrested for any offense involving illegal drugs, consult with an experienced Michigan criminal defense attorney as soon as possible to protect your legal rights and future.

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