
Alabama U.S. Postal Workers Facing Drug Distribution Charges

Recently, four individuals were arrested in connection with distribution of drugs (namely marijuana) in Alabama. The four individuals are employees of the U.S. Postal Service, and work at three different facilities in Tuscaloosa County. All of those involved are also residents of Tuscaloosa, according to an ABC news article.

The post offices where the four individuals work include one in the downtown area, one in Northpoint, and one on Skyland Boulevard. Those arrested include Jocelin Betts, Lenard Pompey, Quincy Doss, and Manual Johnson. Doss is believed to be the head of the drug trafficking organization. Betts is charged with one count each of conspiracy to distribute marijuana and trafficking marijuana. Pompey is charged with two counts of conspiracy to distribute marijuana; Doss is charged with one count each of trafficking marijuana, attempted distribution of marijuana, attempted possession of marijuana first-degree, and two counts of distribution of marijuana. Johnson is charged with one count each of conspiracy to traffic marijuana, attempted possession of marijuana first-degree, attempted distribution of marijuana, and two counts of distribution of marijuana.

Investigations have been ongoing since late 2014 when agents with the West Alabama Narcotics Task Force discovered Tuscaloosa was being shipped a higher rate of marijuana, and started suspecting employees of the U.S. Postal Service may be involved. The drug distribution scheme is believed to have involved more than 500 lbs. of marijuana. Other agencies assisting in the drug distribution investigation include the FBI – Tuscaloosa office, U.S. Postal Inspectors, and the U.S. Postal service-office of Inspector General. Investigators claim the workers were paid by known drug traffickers who recruited the individuals to facilitate the delivery of the inbound drugs to members of the trafficking organization. Postal employees also allegedly “tipped off” dealers when they were aware law enforcement had been alerted regarding drugs in certain packages, so that the dealers would not accept those packages.

Drug crimes result in serious criminal penalties for those convicted, particularly those offenses involving distribution/trafficking of marijuana and other drugs. Depending on the type and amount of drug involved, an individual’s criminal history, and other factors, the punishment for those found guilty can be life-changing. Ultimately, a person may lose his/her freedom for many years, or even life.

In the state of Michigan, cases involving the distribution or delivery of marijuana may result in fines of as much as $10 million and up to 15 years in prison when amounts of more than 45 kilograms or 200 plants are involved. Penalties differ from state to state, however drug trafficking is a very serious offense.

If you have been arrested for any drug offense it is vital to consult with a skilled Michigan drug crimes lawyer at once, as there are legal options available. A committed attorney will fight aggressively to save your freedom, reputation, and future.

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